Welcome to CLARIND-UdS: Language Resources Repository at UdS




Welcome to CLARIND-UdS, the Language resource repository at Saarland University (UdS).

In collaboration with other centres in the Text+ consortium and in the European CLARIN ERIC, CLARIND-UdS centre enables eHumanities by providing a service for hosting and processing language resources (notably corpora) for members of the research community.

CLARIND-UdS thus contributes to the overall CLARIN mission of lifting the fragmentation of language resources by assisting members of the research community in preparing language materials in such a way that easy discovery is ensured, interchange is facilitated and preservation is enabled by enriching such materials with meta-information, transforming them into sustainable formats and hosting them.

We have an explicit mission to archive language resources especially multilingual corpora (parallel, comparable) and corpora including specific registers, both collected by associated researchers as well as researchers who are not affiliated with us.

A subsidiary commitment of CLARIND-UdS lies in promoting the education and training of young researchers. This includes the organization of training events, gathering relevant educational materials and contributing to the development of higher education curricula in the eHumanities.

We provide metadata of our centre's resources and tools in Dublin Core and CMDI format.

The Virtual Language Observatory harvests our metadata and provides a faceted search interface for them.

We host the GRUG Treebank (Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian, German parallel Treebank) on our Server.

This site was created in the context of the consortium Text+. Text+ is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – project number 460033370. Text+ is part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).