For corpus query and analysis the RSC is encoded in CQP format (cf. IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB)). The CWB requires a simple XML as an input format. In the so-called vrt-format (vertical text format) annotations on the token level (positional attributes, e.g. word, pos, lemma) are represented in a one-word-per-line with TAB deliminated columns for each positional attribute. Annotations beyond token level (structural attributes, e.g. texts, sentences, pages) are represented as SGML-tags with possible attribute-value pairs. Metadata, e.g., are encoded as attributes of the <text>
-element. In the following we give a detailled overview of annotations on token level (positional attributes) and on structural level (structural attributes).
Attributes are listed in the order of the columns in the VRT file. Attribute names refer to the positional attributes encoded in the online corpus.
word pos lemma orig avs surprisal avs50 avs10
of IN of of 0.05 0.29 0.06 0.10
some DT some some 3.06 0.41 2.66 2.04
Books NPS Books Books 2.64 0.62 0.90 0.88
Positional Attribute | Description |
word |
Normalized word form |
pos |
Part-of-speech tag (Penn Treebank Tagset) |
lemma |
Lemma, according to TreeTagger |
orig |
Original word form |
avs |
Average surprisal |
surprisal |
Surprisal |
avs50 |
Average surprisal based on 50-year periods |
avs10 |
Average surprisal based on decades |
Structural attributes are given in two different representations:
Metadata are encoded on the text level.
<text id=“” issn=“” title=“” fpage=“” lpage=“” year=“” decade=“” period=“” century=“” volume=“” journal=“” author=“” type=“” corpusBuild=“” jstorLink=“”>
<text id=“100997” issn=“03702316” title=“An Extract of a Letter Written by Dr. Edward Brown from Vienna in Austria March 3. 1669. Concerning Two Parhelia’s or Mocksuns, Lately Seen in Hungary” fpage=“953” lpage=“953” year=“1669” decade=“1660” period=“1650” century=“1600” volume=“4” journal=“Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678)” author=“Edward Brown” type=“fla” corpusBuild=“2.0” jstorLink=“”>
Structural Attribute | Description |
<text> |
Text (based on JSTOR source articles) |
<text_author> |
Author of the article |
<text_century> |
Century of publication |
<text_corpusBuild> |
Internal version number |
<text_decade> |
Decade of publication |
<text_fpage> |
First page of the article |
<text_hasAbstract> |
ID of the corresponding abstract |
<text_id> |
<text_isAbstractOf> |
ID of the corresponding article |
<text_issn> |
ISSN of the journal |
<text_journal> |
Journal in which the article was published |
<text_jstorLink> |
Link to the source text on JSTOR |
<text_lpage> |
Last page of the article |
<text_period> |
50-year period of publication |
<text_title> |
Title of the article |
<text_type> |
Text type: abs , brv , fla or nws (see table below for details) |
<text_volume> |
Volume of the article |
<text_year> |
Year of publication |
<inferred> |
Inferred word (attribute from JSTOR) |
Text type | Description |
abs |
Abstract |
brv |
Book review |
fla |
Full article |
nws |
Obituary |
<page id=“” no=“”>
Structural Attribute | Description |
<page> |
Page (attribute from JSTOR) |
<page_id> |
Absolute page number |
<page_no> |
Relative page number |
Texts are split into sentences based on the output of the TreeTagger.
<s no=“” surprisal=“” avs=“” avs50=“” avs10=“”>
Structural Attribute | Description |
<s> |
Sentence boundary (based on SENT tags of TreeTagger) |
<s_avs> |
Average surprisal of sentence based on avs |
<s_avs10> |
Average surprisal of sentence based on avs10 |
<s_avs50> |
Average surprisal of sentence based on avs50 |
<s_no> |
Relative sentence number (within a text) |
<s_surprisal> |
Surprisal of sentence based on surprisal |
Normalised words are represented on the token level and on the structural level to account for one-to-many relations (e.g. ’tis → this is, my self → myself) on the one hand and to allow for an easy access on the other hand.
<normalised orig=“” auto=“”>
Structural Attribute | Description |
<normalised> |
Normalised token(s) |
<normalised_auto> |
Always “true” as all normalisations are automatic |
<normalised_orig> |
Original token(s) |
The element <inferred>
is part of the JSTOR distribution. It refers to illegible text which was recovered from the context.
at IN at at 1.96 0.19 1.95 1.85
the DT the the 0.52 0.29 0.55 0.56
Root NP Root Root 1.99 0.38 0.99 0.99
of IN of of 0.48 0.08 1.91 1.74
the DT the the 0.53 1.26 1.45 1.48
Tongue NP Tongue Tongue 5.48 0.72 5.95 4.74